Need housing advice? Register with us online
Need housing advice? Register with us online
If you're homeless or threatened with homelessness within the next 56 days and want to discuss your housing options, register with us via our online housing portal.
Register with the online housing portal
Download a guide to using our online housing portal
If you're unable to register online, contact us on (01788) 533468 (9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday).
When you register, please give as much information as you can about your housing and personal circumstances. We shall then contact you to arrange an assessment, usually by phone.
We can offer 'in person' appointments at the Town Hall in certain circumstances, but only after completing a risk assessment with you.
Please, do not 'drop in' to the Town Hall unless you're homeless tonight and have nowhere to stay or have been invited to attend an appointment.
We shall review applications to assess whether you qualify to join the Common Housing Register and give you advice and assistance on how to secure accommodation in the private rented sector.