The Government wants to support residents who wish to design and build a home or work with a specialist developer to build a new property.

We have launched the Self-Build and Custom Build Register to help us gauge the level of demand for such developments in the borough so our planning policies can support residents who wish to self/custom build a new home.

About the register

The council makes no commitment to provide plots for self/custom build homes to residents who join the register. In turn, by joining the register you're not making a commitment to self/custom build - just helping us gauge local demand and identify popular parts of the borough for self/custom build developments.

By registering, you agree for us to use the data provided for strategic planning purposes only. We'll not publish any of your personal information, but 'headline' data from the register (eg overall number of residents on the register, geographical areas of interest, etc) may be published.

We'll contact you within 28 days of receiving your application to join the register to let you know whether your application has been successful.

Apply to join the Self-Build and Custom Build Register

If you want to be removed from the register, please email your name and address to

We'll remove you from the register within 28 days of receiving your request and send confirmation by email.

Further information

You can find more information and advice on self/custom build homes at the following website: