Land Charges

Our Local Land Charges Register has now migrated to HM Land Registry's national register.

You can access the national register via HM Land Registry's online portal.

Please note - Rugby Borough Council still provides responses to CON29 enquiries.


Local Land Charges Register

A 'search' of the Local Land Charges register comprises a series of standard questions designed to give a prospective buyer information about a property/parcel of land.

To request a search, you need to fill in the following forms in duplicate:

Forms can be obtained from your solicitor or the Law Society

You can also carry out searches online via the National Land Information Service (NLIS). Visit the NLIS website or email for more details.


CON29 form information requests under EIR regulations

To request property information for CON29 forms under the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) 2004, email with the address of the property and a site location plan clearly showing the property boundary.

Please note, we do not respond to requests for information under the EIR when the information is publicly accessible.

CON29 questions 4 and 16

Question 4 - Road proposals by private bodies

We do not answer question 4.

A reply to this enquiry requires substantial research. It would be necessary to identify all planning application proposals approved within 200 meters of the property (since 1948); establish, by examination of the approved plans and drawings, which of these proposals included road works of the type described in question 4; and identify, where such works were included, whether or not the works have been completed for which a survey may be necessary. The register of planning applications is available for inspection should you wish to appoint your own consultant to undertake this work.

Question 16 - Minerals consultation and safeguarding areas

Warwickshire County Council holds this information. You can contact (01926) 412391 or email for more information.

Common Land Searches

Warwickshire County Council maintains the Register of Common Land and Town or Village Greens.

Searches of the register can be carried out by selecting Q22 on the CON29 O form.

Land Ownership

The Local Land Charges Register contains no details of land or property ownership.

Details of land or property ownership can be obtained via the Land Registry website

If you believe property or land could be owned by Rugby Borough Council, call our corporate property team on (01788) 533558 or email for more information.

Local Land Charges - Fees

From 1 April 2024, we charge the following fees for our Local Land Charges service:

Please note, prices (where applicable) include VAT.

  • Con29 - £128
  • Additional Question - £44.90 each
  • Additional Parcel (Con29 only) - £22.47
  • Con 29(O) Optional Enquiry 22 - £23
  • Con29 (O) Optional Enquiries, excluding the questions listed below* - £21.30 each (Please note, we do not answer questions 4 and 16).

Other Con29 Questions

  • Con29 Question 1.1 j, k, l - £20.60
  • Con29 Question 2 - £40.30
  • Con29 Question 3.7 - £17.90
  • Con29 Question 3.8 - £6
  • Con29 Question 3.9 - £6.30
  • Con29 Question 3.11 - £19.40
  • Con29 Question 3.13 - £1.90