Bin lorry naming competition
Bin lorry naming competition
Rugby Borough Council is working to improve our recycling rate to meet the Government target of 55% by 2025.
We would like the engage with the schools in the Borough to encourage the younger generation to pick up good recycling habits from a young age.
We are inviting primary school kids, home schooled kids and nurseries to name our fleet of recycling lorries as part of a competition. Pupils need to colour in the picture of one of our lorries and give it a name on the entry sheet. Please photocopy the entry sheet as many times as you need - entries will be judged by the lorry name and not colouring skills.
Entries need to be returned to the council offices (address given below), no later than Friday 26th April.
We will select six winning names which will be printed on the side of each of our recycling lorries.
In addition, each winner will receive a small prize, and an invitation to see their lorry and meet the Mayor of Rugby.
Please note: Each entry will need the child's full name and the school they are entering from written on the back of the entry sheet. Only the winning entries will be returned after judging.
Watch this quick video for some inspiration about potential names: Bin lorry naming competition
Please return all entries to: "Lorry Naming Competition: FAO Alex Becker", Rugby Borough Council, 94 Newbold Rd, Rugby, CV21 1DH by Friday 26th April 2024.
Please find the resource here: